Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Digs- Space Style!

So I love making my classroom my home each year.  But somehow I fell way behind the ball this year and it is just starting to look habitable.  We've had kids for two days already so luckily they don't seem to mind the unfinished parts.  Anyway- I went with a space theme.

Here is the view from my door. I have 28 students this year so we are pretty much just like sardines.  I'm still working on a desk arrangement that doesn't end with casualties...

I used paper lanterns to make these planets that hang from the ceiling with my Addison. I basically just tore strips of tissue paper and glued them on.  We got covered in glue.  Ads was in heaven.

 Here's my ceiling tile art inspired by Abby. It's not the most beautiful thing I've ever made, but at least it is finished.

I do really love my objectives board.  I found a random dry erase board, added border and some letters, sweet-talked the custodian into drilling into cinder block, and voila!  SO easy to change each day.

 My classroom library, which I FINALLY leveled.

I'm pretty fond of this guy too.  They're my classroom jobs. I plan to add tissue paper to the jets but haven't finished.

Here's the view of my hodgepodge of a computer area... We are lucky enough to have five classroom laptops, I'm just having a hard time making that area look welcoming.

This is another of my favorites.  Each morning students get their name off of the rocket and graph it based upon the question.  It is a fast way for me to take attendance, which I suck at, as well as give them some text to start their day with, and practice graphing. Then at teh end of the day one of my class jobs is to put them back on the rocket for the next day. Did you notice the missing R?  I think I am being punked. This is the second R I have lost!  Plus, I think "fo" is kind of funny.  I'm working on replacing it.

Okay!  Go check out some other awesome links at Blog Hoppin!

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